Friday, December 13, 2013

Mini sessions in Oak Cliff

I had the great privilege of doing 12 sessions in Oak Cliff a couple of weeks ago. Each session was 30 minutes long and I was really pleased with the pictures we got. More then that, I really enjoyed meeting so many families and our brief interactions. So, let's take a look!

The first family was probably the quickest one of the day. I love the bright glasses! Some of my favorites pictures of the day were due to the littlest guy's rebellion toward the end of the session: if only being difficult was always so cute!
If the first family was the quickest, the second was the easiest. I love the way these pictures evoke a sense of quiet confidence on behalf of this young lady.

I can tell you why the two little ones look so happy in this next session. It's because they had a really playful and fun mom and dad! I think they have lots of happiness in store for them. I really like the light in the last picture. (And the way the last two pictures have the same thing going on. :))

I got a little carried away with this next 6 year old--but this little girl had the gappiest, cutest, smile EVER!!
I loved that the bright blue and the dark brown of these two brother's eyes. You wouldn't know it by looking at the pictures, but the blue-eyed brother actually had a stomach bug during this photo session. Again, if only we could all look so cute being sick!
The next session was unique during the weekend because it was of a young engaged couple. This couple had a lot of parallels as my husband and I--at least in as far as he attended the same high school as my husband, and she and I went to the same university. They will also be married in the same church as my husband and I. Here's to much happiness!!!
In the next family, this little girl had energy!! She was running circles around us big people. Somehow, though, that energy translated into really cute pictures. Ironically, the lollypop bribe she earned made for mom and dad's favorite picture!
This next family was really nice to work with. Mom and Dad were so relaxed and easy-going and their daughter was all smiles and giggles.

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